
All over the world, there are institutions that share our enthusiasm for geopolitics. Sometimes they even share our written work with their readers, so it’s only fair that we return the favor. Enter our Partners page, where we occasionally reprint pieces from these institutions free of charge for our subscribers. The content contained herein reflects the views the authors, not of Geopolitical Futures and its staff.

Limes Logo

The Price of Resistance

by Fabrizio Maronta Originally published on Limes 5/2024 Misteri persiani. 1. When on 8 May 2018, Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of the United States from...

A new US-Italy Security Partnership

By Lucio Caracciolo October 7 is not derived from February 24, but it still rhymes. It confirms that American introversion prompts challenges to the divided...

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Another 6 years with Vladimir Putin. What to expect after the reelection of the Russian president?

New Strategy Center publishes an extensive report of the consequences of Vladimir Putin’s re-election as President of the Russian Federation following the March 15-17,...

Russia’s Hybrid War in the Republic of Moldova

New Strategy Center published a new study that analyzes the hybrid war waged by Russia against the Republic of Moldova. In the context of...

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Strategy and Future Logo

Winter is coming. Part 2

By: Jacek Bartosiak Sometimes offensive actions and the maneuver of heavy units are necessary, but they must be well thought out and planned, because this...

Winter is coming. Part 1

By: Jacek Bartosiak On the fields of Ukraine, the twentieth-century method of conducting land war (centered on attack, tank columns, a fairly shallow front, and always...

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