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Latent Uzbek Nationalism

A large number of Uzbeks live in other Central Asian countries.

Major Shipping Routes for the Oil Trade

Nearly a fifth of the world’s oil shipments pass through the Strait of Hormuz.

Profiling Russia’s S-400 Missile Defense System

Turkey is set to acquire the Russian-made missiles, causing a rift with its NATO allies.

Erdogan Holds On to Power in Turkey

The Turkish president won re-election decisively, but his next term won’t be an easy one.

Immigration Divides the EU

Brussels is having a hard time enforcing its own philosophical tenets on disobedient countries.

North Korea Nuclear Talks: A Timeline

The negotiations have been nothing if not long and volatile.

A Profile of US Energy Consumption

Global oil consumption has outpaced production since the beginning of 2017, a result of lower supply due to OPEC cuts and a dip in U.S. production. Here’s how energy consumption and supply break down in the United States.

In Brazil, Fuel Prices Spark Protests

Brazilian truckers have gone on strike, and though the protests appear to be winding down, the effects have been felt in the transportation, food and fuel sectors.

Denuclearization and the Demise of Moammar Gadhafi’s Regime

Could Kim Jong Un suffer the same fate as Moammar Gadhafi if North Korea’s nuclear program is destroyed?

The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, by the Numbers

Minor skirmishes there erupt every so often, but they have never escalated to all-out war.

The Threats Facing Israel

Iran has a few ways it can respond to Israeli attacks, all of which face some heavy limitations.

Why Korea Can’t Replicate Germany’s Reunification

It has made geopolitical sense since their establishment in 1948 for North and South Korea to find a way to get along and tap into their joint potential, and yet they haven’t, because peaceful reunification is exceedingly difficult to achieve.

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