GPF Chairman George Friedman speaks with the World Affairs Council's Jim Falk about his book, “The Storm Before the Calm: America’s Discord, the Coming Crisis of the 2020s, and the Triumph Beyond.
George Friedman on the "Walt Disney fantasy" of globalization and why it's not sustainable, and why the current political tensions in the US are anything but unprecedented, via Mauldin Economics.
What is the likelihood of a European Army at some point in the future? As GPF Chairman George Friedman explains via Brain Bar, there is a substantial divide between this idea in theory and putting it into practice.
What makes a good political leader? GPF's George Friedman on why leaders are not omnipotent, but are in fact prisoners to their country's rules and geopolitics. - via
Brain Bar's Ask the Right Question series.
Watching the subtle ways that people live their lives can provide valuable information on how the economy is really going. George Friedman explains in this episode of Brain Bar's Ask the Right Question series.
The problems we created in 2008, we never solved. So the question is, when will we experience the next crisis, and are we even prepared? George Friedman via Brain Bar's Ask the Right Question series.
GPF Chairman George Friedman discusses the security challenges facing the Black Sea and the Balkans, as well as what can be done about these challenges, from the 2019 Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum in Romania.
Why is passion a dangerous thing when it comes to serious debates like climate change? GPF Chairman George Friedman explains in the newest installment of Brain Bar’s Ask the Right Question series.
The United Nations is a very large organization, and a very expensive one. But is it effective? GPF Chairman George Friedman discusses whether the UN is money well spent, in a new episode of Brain Bar’s Ask the Right Question series.
What would happen if Russia would suddenly lose its President? Why does the Western media fail to understand the largest country in the world? GPF Chairman George Friedman explains in the newest video from the Brain Bar series, Ask the Right Questions.