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US-Russia Negotiations Worry Ukraine

Nov. 24, 2015 Ukraine wants to build a wedge between Washington and the Kremlin, as the two countries edge closer in their fight against the Islamic State in Syria.

Armies, War and Islamic State

Nov. 23, 2015 The future of the Middle East will be determined by whether the Islamic State’s military force is more capable fundamentally than the Arab military forces we have seen in the past.

The Arab Spring and Other Fables

Nov. 20, 2015 Far from creating democracies in the Arab world, the Arab Spring ended up being a catalyst for civil wars in Syria and Libya.

Germany Revises Approach to Open Borders

Nov. 18, 2015 With security concerns now adding to the refugee crisis, Germans are becoming increasingly wary of the European Union’s open borders.

Ukraine Claims Ceasefire Violations

Nov. 17, 2015 Kiev’s reports of spikes in ceasefire violations are likely meant to influence negotiations between Russia and the West.

Islamic State’s Warning on Paris Attacks

Nov. 16, 2015 Iraq’s intelligence service received a warning that Islamic State was planning to attack coalition countries prior to the deadly attacks in Paris.

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