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Net Assessment of Australia

Jan. 22, 2016 Australia hasĀ the 12th largest economy in the world and it is the sixth largest country by land mass.Ā It is without question the most powerful nationĀ in the South Pacific, yet has struggled to achieve one of its most important strategic goals.

Thinking About Stock Markets from a Geopolitical Point of View

Jan. 21, 2016Ā The Chinese economy has been declining for years and oil for at least a year. So why did the markets take so long to start falling and why did they panic yesterday?

The Dilemma of Systemic Crisis

Jan. 21, 2016Ā InternationalĀ institutions are struggling to manage Europe’s economic challenges, while still adhering to their own lending standards.

Exporters Pursue Privatization Plans

Jan. 19, 2016 As commodity prices and demand decline, some countries heavily dependent on exports are looking for new sources of revenue.

Russia May Suspend Foreign Lending

Jan. 18, 2016 The Kremlin’s ability to gain leverage abroad would be severely limited if it was unable to provide loans to foreign governments and partners due to financial constraints.

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