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Daily Memo: US Growth, Russian Oil, European Disunity

All the news worth knowing today.

Daily Memo: Putin-Kim Talks, Russia-China Coordination, US-China Trade

All the news worth knowing today.

The US Military and the African Front

The U.S. military posture in Africa has often been described as a “light footprint.” Recent revelations tell a different story.

Nations, Wars and Liberal Democracy

Having considered the origins of the United States, Australia and Hungary over the past month, it is time to return to the underlying issue...

Daily Memo: German Mergers, French Vessels, Russian Warnings

All the news worth knowing today.

Daily Memo: US Sanctions, Russian Oil, Unrest in Kyrgyzstan

All the news worth knowing today.

Can China Take Care of Its Elderly?

Beijing is facing a pension crisis of its own making.

Ukraine Elected a New President. So What?

Petro Poroshenko was hardly a threat to the countryā€™s oligarchs, and thereā€™s little reason to think his replacement will be much different.

Daily Memo: Chinese Unemployment, Huawei’s Funding

All the news worth knowing today.

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