

India’s Centralization Moves

Sept. 22, 2017 Allison Fedirka and Xander Snyder discuss Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s moves to assert greater central authority over aspects of India’s economy and financial institutions. Sign up here for free updates on topics like this.

The Intermarium: The Formation of a New European Containment Line

Sept. 15, 2017 Xander Snyder and Antonia Colibasanu discuss the countries involved in the Intermarium, their motivations and why it matters. Sign up here for free updates on topics like this.

The Rohingya Crisis Making Geopolitical Waves

Sept. 8, 2017 States and non-state entities outside the region are beginning to take a greater interest in Myanmar’s Rohingya crisis. Sign up here for free updates on topics like this.

Turkey’s Regional Interests

Sept. 1, 2017

Turkey knows it needs to balance both friend and foe – Kamran Bokhari and Xander Snyder talk about what considerations it must make. Sign up here for free updates on topics like this.

US and Pakistani Relations and Impacts in South Asia

Aug. 25, 2017 Senior Analyst Kamran Bokhari walks us through the underlying forces dictating the US-Pakistan bilateral relationship and outlines the different roles and interests of other major stakeholders in South Asia. Sign up here for free updates on topics like this!

Building Out the Model

Aug. 18, 2017

Allison Fedirka and Xander Snyder detail how we incorporate history, maps and forecasting to create our geopolitical model. Learn more about our methodology with our free report.

Revisiting GPF’s Assessment on North Korea

Aug. 11, 2017

Jacob L. Shapiro and Xander Snyder take stock of two months of developments on the Korean peninsula while exploring the unique challenges North Korea poses to GPF’s geopolitical method. Sign up here for free updates on topics like this!

Different Types of Jihadism

Aug. 4, 2017

Xander Snyder and Kamran Bokhari talk about the distinct goals of different jihadist groups and how those differences influence the geopolitics of Middle East. Sign up here for free updates on topics like this.

Around the World in 30 Minutes

July 28, 2017

Xander Snyder and Jacob L. Shapiro talk about the geopolitical consequences of new U.S. sanctions against Russia, North Korea and Iran. Click here to sign up for free updates on topics like this.

Democracy and Geopolitics

July 21, 2017

Jacob L. Shapiro and Kamran Bokhari think about the relationship between power and ideology, and whether political forms are predestined. Click here to sign up for free updates on topics like this.

Wargaming D-Day With George Friedman

July 11, 2017

George Friedman and Jacob L. Shapiro talk about playing an old Avalon Hill board game of D-Day and what these types of games teach us about the nature of war in general. Click here to sign up for free updates on topics like this.

2017 Forecast Mid-Year Report Card

July 7, 2017 Six months into the year, we take a look at how our forecasts have held up so far.

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