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Daily Memo

Daily Memo: Terrorists Strike in Southern Russia, Israeli CEOs Rail Against War Costs

Dagestan attack. Multiple gunmen launched concurrent attacks in two cities in Dagestan, a mostly Muslim Russian republic in the North Caucasus. The Sunday evening...

Daily Memo: New Vaccine Initiative, Putin’s Warning

Vaccine equality. French President Emmanuel Macron announced a new $1.2 billion project to make vaccines more accessible in Africa. The African Vaccine Manufacturing Accelerator...

Daily Memo: Xi Stresses Loyalty, Putin Visits Vietnam

Xi's priorities. Leaders of the Chinese military must always be loyal to the Communist Party, President Xi Jinping said during a conference featuring the...

Daily Memo: Russia-North Korea Defense Pact, Gaza Security Force

Allies. Russia and North Korea signed a security pact promising that both countries would come to each other’s aid if attacked. Russian President Vladimir...

Daily Memo: Putin Headed for North Korea, French Weapons Sold to Armenia

Long time coming. Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay his first visit to North Korea in 24 years on Tuesday. The Russian delegation accompanying...

Daily Memo: NATO’s Nuclear Arsenal, Militant Recruitment in Afghanistan

Show of force. NATO member states are in talks to put more nuclear weapons on standby, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in a new...

Daily Memo: Putin Outlines Conditions for Ukraine Cease-fire

Putin's view. Russian President Vladimir Putin set out his conditions for a cease-fire in Ukraine during a meeting with top Foreign Ministry officials on...

Daily Memo: New US Sanctions, Armenian Withdrawal

More sanctions on Moscow. The United States on Wednesday expanded sanctions against Russia, introducing more than 300 new restrictions aimed at deterring individuals and...

Daily Memo: Israel Launches Airstrike in Lebanon, Armenia Drifts to Western Allies

Escalation. Israel launched airstrikes in Lebanon that killed four Hezbollah officials, Israel Defense Forces confirmed on Wednesday. One of the officials was the most...

Daily Memo: Russia-Belarus Drills, Russia-Turkey Talks

Sending a message. Russia and Belarus began the second stage of drills meant to train troops on the use of tactical nuclear weapons. The...

Daily Memo: Turkey in Syria, al-Qaida in Afghanistan

Turkish interference. Turkey has been negotiating with Russia and Iran to cancel elections in Kurdish-controlled northeastern Syria, the Turkiye Gazetesi newspaper reported. According to...

Daily Memo: Azerbaijani Demands for Armenia, US Warns for Israel

New condition. Establishing peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia would require changes to the Armenian constitution, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said at a meeting of...

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