Winston Churchill’s profound quote, “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see”, is an apt perspective on geopolitics. For this week’s Club session, U.S. Vice Admiral John M. Poindexter joined GPF Chairman George Friedman for a history lesson on America’s first national security strategy, established during the Reagan administration in the 1980’s. As the Vice Admiral pointed out, it is history that informs the present.
Historically, nations did not conduct themselves without aligning with or getting their bearings in relation to a power system that drove the world; an anchor. This was the case, for example, in the world wars of the last century, and the Cold War. As George Friedman and Senior Analyst Antonia Colibasanu discussed in this week's Club session, things have changed, and various nations are testing each other.
In George Friedman’s book “The Storm Before the Calm”, he outlines America’s socioeconomic and institutional cycles and explains how presidents fit into these cycles....
Geopolitical and national security threats are constantly changing and evolving, sometimes it's hard to keep up. In this week's ClubGPF live discussion, Rear Admiral...